Web Design

Don’t practice until you get it right instead practice unitl you can’t get it wrong.
Name: Jovet Quillan
Birthday: April 20, 1998
Degree: Bachelor Of Science In Information Technology
Experience: 3 Months
Phone: 09519333776
Address: Camolinas Poblacion Cordova Cebu

I spent a significant 640 hours throughout my practicum immersing myself in WordPress and learning all of its nuances to hone my skills in web programming and design. I was able to design dynamic and visually appealing websites with easy because to this hands-on experience, which also gave me a thorough understanding of the platform’s features and helped me traverse it with ease.

I was our capstone project’s entire web designer, and I used HTML, Bootstrap, and CSS to create dynamic, responsive user interfaces that ensured smooth navigation and eye-catching designs on all platforms. Working closely with my team, I combined these technologies to produce a polished and well-coordinated end product that demonstrated my mastery of front-end development and design principles in addition to meeting project objectives.

Despite having only a basic understanding of PHP at first, I actively participated in self-directed learning and practical experimentation to increase my expertise in the language for our capstone project. I successfully integrated PHP to bring dynamic functionality and interactive elements to our web application by working diligently and cooperatively with my peers.

WordPress Elementor 90%
HTML 95%
CSS 90%


Drawing upon my extensive experience and mastery of WordPress design, my specialized service is meticulously crafted to not only create visually stunning websites but also to strategically attract and retain clients.


Embark on a digital journey with my HTML service, where creativity meets functionality to craft immersive web experiences tailored to your unique vision. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for innovation


Dive into the realm of web design excellence with my CSS service, where creativity meets precision to craft visually stunning and seamlessly functional websites. With an unwavering commitment to quality and innovation


Unlock the potential of your digital presence with my Bootstrap service, where creativity and functionality converge to redefine the way you connect with your audience online. Leveraging the versatility of Bootstrap


Portfolio Project

Making This portfolio project using Vuejs framework, HTML, CSS and Bootstrap

Capstone Project

This is our Capstone Project we use PHP, Vuejs, HTML, CSS and bootstrap on it

Portfolio Project

Making This portfolio project using Vuejs framework, HTML, CSS and Bootstrap



Camolinas, Poblacion, Cordova Cebu

09519333776 09519838154